Another Smiling Photo!

These are my favorite kind of photos of Roz, the ones where she is smiling or happy… she has that aura about her, as if she wants you to smile along with her. She is so awesome 🙂

3 thoughts on “Another Smiling Photo!”

  1. Another great photo. Re your question on my blog about my book with the chapter on Roz, it’s available at Amazon and all the other online book sellers. Lance was great to talk to and has wonderful memories of his mom. If you click on the book’s photo on my web page, it goes to a review of the book and the reviewer talks (briefly) about the Roz chapter.

    1. I would love to read it, thank you. I bet he was a delight to talk to. He wrote me a letter in reply to one I had sent previously and it’s just wonderful. I treasure it. Not sure if I have mentioned that on this blog as of yet.

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