Remembering Roz 35 Years Later

Rosalind Russell died 35 years ago today, on November 28, 1976. This seems rather significant because 35 years is a long time. Sometimes I can’t believe that she had already been dead just over 13 years when I was born. I was clearly born in the wrong era, but I am glad I was able to get to know her through her films. I am very appreciative for TCM for providing me with most of her films, as well as DVDs that have already been released. More and more seem to be coming out on DVD recently, and that’s a great thing!

I have not been able to watch a film in her honor today, but I hope to watch one soon–at her comedic best because this is how she is best remembered. A friend of mine suggested A Woman of Distinction because it’s her favorite one so far, and now I kind of want to watch that one, too. It’s hilarious with all the physical comedic stunts (which I have always loved–hello, I Love Lucy fan here!) and of course, I love the eventual romance that develops in the film.

Anyway, on this day, I wanted to share a video with you all that my dear, dear friend Irina made in honor of this day today. It is a video to remember Roz and it is dedicated to me–how sweet is that! It is actually the third Roz video that has been dedicated to me… haha! 🙂

Enjoy–I think it is really lovely!

3 thoughts on “Remembering Roz 35 Years Later”

  1. yayy Irinaaa, that was fast hahaha.

    RIP Roz! I know it’s sad that the people we admire have been dead for so many years…2 of my absolute favorite actresses have been dead for almost 70 years now, that makes it even sadder…at least Roz did get to see some of the “modern” stuff we have (at least she got to see television hahaha)…and she’s surely having fun in heaven and so happy to have a fan like Desi down here =)

  2. Thank you for posting my video on this very special day, Des! You are such a loyal fan of Roz and that impressed me a lot back then when we just got to knew each other, and it still does today.
    I hope Roz is smiling on this day somewhere in the heaven where she is now, knowing that she is still very well remembered and loved by her fans.

  3. I watched the video on YouTube and was very moved by it. It’s beautiful! It really is hard to believe she’s been gone for so long. I, like you, feel like I was born in the wrong era. I love to watch her movies from the 30’s and 40’s especially. Kind of transports me back to a simpler, more romantic time. Everything is so cheap nowadays…. Ah, well!
    So glad that Roz’s memory is alive in her films and through the efforts of fans like you.

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